fertility women circle

Here is what you can get out of this Fertility Circle:
Be kind and compassionate with yourself & your body, on your fertility journey even when faced with challenges
Feel heard and supported by loved ones including other women relating to you
Be connected emotionally, physically and mentally with your partner during the process
Expand your capacity to feel and navigate a fuller range of emotions
Express your needs and wants freely and confidently to your partner, friends and practitioners supporting your journey
fertility in community

There is healing in community as well as medicine in connection.
For thousands of years, women have gathered in circles as a powerful tool for connection, grief support and celebration. On the Fertility journey, many feel isolated, scared, confused and angry. Infertility can evoke a range of emotions, including shame, which can be deeply personal and difficult to discuss openly. Shame associated with infertility is often caused by: social stigma, a sense of failure, fear of judgement, comparison with others, cultural and religious beliefs as well as a lack of supportive spaces.
The Fertility journey can be challenging and isolating. Building a community around Fertility health is beneficial for processing grief, reducing stress and alleviating depressive symptoms. There is research indicating that women struggling with infertility for 2-3 years have double the rate of depression than their peers without fertility complications (Domar, Broom et al 1992). The silver lining is that meeting in community can help decrease depressive symptoms, which is proven to increase pregnancy rates by 50%.
Gathering with women in a circle is a powerful way to share our experience and to set our intentions for what we desire. Together we can provide one another emotional support, a sense of belonging, empowerment, shared knowledge and a safe space to be heard and supported.
A structured fertility and grief group can provide a safe space for individuals to share their experiences, receive support, and process their emotions.

My story
My Fertility journey began 8 years ago, the night of our marriage, when my husband and I decided that we wanted to have a family. Since starting this journey, I have experienced a full range of emotions from excitement to fear, anger, and confusion followed by acceptance and finally surrender; only to repeat the emotional cycle again.
In the beginning, I was very confident that it would be easy for me to conceive because I was young and healthy. I had worked so hard throughout my adult life to prioritize my mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health. Sadly, I was wrong. I was shocked and saddened when I found out it wouldn’t be as easy as I had imagined. Over the past 8 years, I have witnessed loved ones near and far announce pregnancies, followed by successful births and all the celebrations that follow. I often didn’t know if I belonged anymore; so many of my close relationships changed because I was childless. It wasn’t good or bad, it was just different and confusing.
My husband and I explored many different treatment modalities; including IVF, sperm donor, working with healers from all over the world, shamans and western medicine. You name it, we explored it, because I knew I didn’t want to leave any stone unturned.. During this process, I learnt and grew as well as healed in ways I didn’t expect. Most importantly my marriage grew stronger year after year. Our commitment, love and appreciation for one another transformed and deepened. We learnt to be present and in gratitude for the beautiful life that we have created together. The journey may not be over but the grief is a constant wave that requires our love and attention.
Throughout this journey I have learnt the importance of connection and support via community, hence why I now want to provide a safe and nurturing space for others where they can share, process and heal in community.
program details
Throughout the 12 weeks program, we will incorporate a variety of activities, including: group discussions, guided exercises, journaling prompts, mindfulness practices, and creative expression with the goal of supporting participants in their journey despite their pregnancy outcome. Additionally, guest speakers or experts in the field of grief and fertility will be invited to share their insights and expertise during specific sessions.
Together we will connect over our shared experiences and process the intense emotions that come up for each of us. This journey can feel isolating and tumultuous at times. Gathering with other women on the same path is an opportunity to see ourselves in one another and to know that we are not alone.
This program includes:
Participants that are at various stages of their fertility journey
1.5 hours weekly group counselling/mentoring sessions
Weekly Guided Reflections and “Soul Care” Homework
Access to a private community group to connect and support throughout the week
Pairing to share experience and reflections
Guided exercises to explore and process emotions
Guest Teachers in the realm of Fertility and Emotional Processing
Access to Daniela's resources
A safe environment for you to show up authentically and process your fertility journey
Next Starting Date: November 2024
Length: 12 weeks
This is an intimate group of women on the Fertility path. The goal of the circle is to share in a safe and non-judgemental space and to process our shared experiences. We will gather together (virtually) to express what is on our hearts as we continue on our Fertility path.
If you are craving community connection and are curious about how to transform your approach to your fertility journey within a safe and dynamic community, then this is the place for you!
Topics covered:
Emotional Support (Discussing the emotional toll of infertility, including feelings of sadness, anger, guilt, and frustration)
Grief (Acknowledging grief and/or change, honoring losses, processing emotions)
Relationship Dynamics (how fertility challenges can impact relationships with partners, family members, and friends)
Coping Strategies (for managing stress and anxiety related to fertility challenges)
Self-love and forgiveness
Navigating Social Situations (how to handle social situations and conversations related to fertility)
Connecting to the Baby’s soul
Managing Expectations & Self-Advocacy (Standing for self, boundaries, asking for what we want)
Reclaiming your sensuality & connection to partner
Exploring Alternative Paths to Parenthood (conversation to explore and share thoughts/curiosities/fears around options)
Finding meaning and Hope (Celebrating stories within the group and offering hope to those still on their fertility journey)
Supporting Each Other & Community Resources

"I want to help women that
are hurting alone on their fertility journey."
Daniela Abedrabbo

When to seek support
After an infertility diagnosis
When deciding which treatment option to pursue
Beginning or during treatments
Navigating different opinions between partners
Pregnancy loss or multiple pregnancy losses or failed treatments
When considering 3rd party assistance such as egg/sperm/embryo donation or surrogacy
When exploring adoption or deciding to live childfree
No pregnancy
Really anytime you want support on your fertility journey
For some couples, the journey of conceiving is easy and fun. For others, unfortunately, that same journey can be trialing, isolating and even traumatizing. As of January 2022, Canada's total fertility rate (TFR) was estimated to be around 1.5 to 1.6 children per woman, which is below the replacement level of approximately 2.1 children per woman needed to sustain population levels without immigration. It is estimated that about 1 in 6 couples in Canada experience fertility issues at some point during their reproductive years. Similarly, in the USA, approximately 10-15% of couples are affected by infertility. Many of those are explainable and/or treatable, but in some cases, the cause of infertility remains unexplained despite thorough medical investigations. Nevertheless, for many couples, the experience of fertility loss comes with a lot of pain and grief and can have a deep impact on their relationships.
Participating in a support group can be a therapeutic and empowering way to connect with others who are living a similar experience. Support groups provide an opportunity to share challenges, maintain a sense of strength and personal well-being, bond with others and learn about.
What is a Fertility Circle?A group that offers specific topics, and guided exercises to give participants a chance to process, grieve and chat with people who are also on a fertility journey.
Can I attend if I am already a parent?Yes you can attend if you already have a child and are trying to conceive again.
Can men attend this group?Not at the moment but I would love to create a similar program for men only and/or for couples moving forward.
Will treatment advice be provided?Participants will share their experiences with various treatments, but official medical advice will not be given as a medical doctor will not be present.
Do I need a referral to join this group?No.
Is the group confidential?Yes. It is expected that participants of the group will respect the privacy of those involved and not share the personal stories of other participants unless they have direct permission from the participant. This is to respect the privacy, comfort and safety of all participants.
How much does the program cost and how long is it?The cost is $2000 for the 12 week program.
Who will run the group?The group is run by registered clinical counselor Daniela Abedrabbo as well as visiting guests and teachers TBD.
Will the group meet in person or virtually?The group will meet virtually only.
Is this for Canadian residents only?No, this program is open to women from all across the world and we will have different time options to accommodate different time zones.
Can I pay for this with health insurance?Yes if your insurance covers Registered Counsellor in BC (Canada)
Do I have to pay for the entire program upfront?Yes, this will be a limited, intimate group and we want to ensure the attendees are committed to their results
If I change my mind, can I get a refund?No, this program is not refundable. Our commitment is to causing breakthrough results, and that requires attendees to be uncomfortable AND committed to themselves.